41377 Margarita Rd., Suite 107, Temecula, CA 92591

Since 2000, our dentist has made sure that Bel Villaggio is an amalgam- and mercury-free dental office. Dr. Ruby Ann Dollins performs amalgam removals in Temecula, California. We can safely remove amalgam from your teeth, returning you to a healthier state of living. Call our office at (951) 296-2080 if you have any questions about this service.

Dental amalgam consists of a blend of metals, including silver, mercury, tin, copper and various trace elements. Used for over a century in dental restorations, amalgam is still chosen by some dentists today. However, mercury, a component of amalgam, can be detrimental to overall health as it releases small amounts into the body from fillings. In contrast, composite fillings contain no mercury. Additionally, amalgam fillings can eventually cause fractures and cracks in teeth, whereas composite restorations may reinforce the tooth’s structure. Composite fillings also offer a cosmetic advantage — they are tooth-colored and can be customized to harmonize with the natural color of your teeth, enhancing your smile.

SMART Protocol
At our office, we do not use any materials or products that contain mercury. Our dentist and team use the SMART protocol, which stands for “safe mercury amalgam removal technique.” The SMART protocol involves adhering to several safety measures to minimize exposure to mercury vapor and particulates, including:

  • Dental personnel and patients wear protective equipment, such as protective gowns
  • Special air filtering equipment is used in the treatment room
  • Patients rinse with activated charcoal to remove any traces of mercury
  • Our team will use an amalgam separator to collect any amalgam fragments for environmentally appropriate disposal
  • An external air supply is used for patients to breathe
  • Teeth are isolated with a rubber dam and a high-speed vacuum during the procedure
  • Large volumes of flushed water are used during the procedure

The Huggins Protocol
Several decades ago, Dr. Hal Huggins linked the mercury within amalgam to several serious diseases and symptoms. He continued to research the effects of mercury and other conventional dental treatments and materials on the teeth, mouth and body, eventually demonstrating the detrimental impact many patients experience due to conventional treatment methods. This led to the development of the Huggins Protocol. A practicing dentist since 1962, Dr. Huggins, earned a Masters degree in immunology and toxicology as he sought to develop a higher standard of care for his patients. Today, dental patients around the world benefit from his efforts and teachings.

Dr. Dollins has been thoroughly trained in the Huggins Protocol and employs it to help patients improve their health and wellness. This protocol involves:

  • The sequential removal of amalgam fillings and metal restorations.
  • Removal of infected root canal teeth.
  • Taking protective measures during the removal of amalgam fillings, such as placing rubber dams.
  • Providing Vitamin C via IV to encourage ATP production and aid in detoxification.
  • Use of acupressure techniques to encourage optimal interaction between muscles and nerves.
  • Identifying any supplemental needs through blood chemistry testing.
  • Following-up through the healing and recovery process, including lab work to monitor the body’s response after removing toxic metals from teeth.

Schedule An Appointment
Our caring dentist and team are dedicated to providing you with quality care that will enhance your health and wellbeing. We will work with you to find answers to your health concerns and provide you with holistic solutions that meet your needs. Dr. Dollins has advanced her knowledge under the mentorship of leading practitioners, combining a level of understanding and experience with precise skills that will help you achieve the healthy quality of life you deserve.

Contact us today to find out more about safe amalgam and mercury removal and make your appointment. We are here to help.